Below are links to various publicly available resources that are relevant to clinicians and academics working in the area of pediatric pain.
- Declaration of Lima
- Estimate Pain and Support Babies During Procedures
- Short movie: Understanding pain – and what’s to be done about it in 10 minutes!
- ChildKind International Resource Library
- International Directory of Pediatric Chronic Pain Programs
- SickKids Online Paediatric Pain Curriculum
- Pediadol: French-language resources
- German Pediatric Pain Centre
- SKIP, Solutions for Kids in Pain
- Spanish videos
- APED: Portuguese Association for the Study of Pain
- PubMed – email alerts
There are more resources available to IASP members on the IASP Global Year website (open to the public) and new groupsite (requires IASP login). This groupsite has as a purpose to bring people together and make things happen through a private meeting place that features discussion forums, member profiles, photo gallery and file storage to share relevant resources. We encourage you to upload your photo, complete your profile and participate! To log in to the IASP Pain in Childhood SIG groupsite, follow the link above or the steps below:
- Login into your IASP account
- Click on “My Account”
- Scroll down to “My Group Memberships”
- Click on your listed SIG – “Pain in Childhood”
Public Resources
Declaration of Lima on Pain in Childhood
The Declaration of Lima on Pain in Childhood, published and approved on 24 August 2022, can be found in Spanish and English, with key summary points in Portuguese can be found here.
Short movie: Understanding pain – and what’s to be done about it in 10 minutes!
The German Pediatric Pain Centre has created this amazing video for parents, children and health care professionals, available in no less than 24 languages!
English (wonderful New Zealand Voice)
Swiss German
ChildKind International Resource Library
The ChildKind International Resource Library provides an overview and access to a wide range of resources (i.e., policies, protocols, educational resources and guidelines) on all aspects of paediatric pain assessment and management. This library is easy to search, allowing you to search based on category (e.g., assessment, non-pharmacological management, education, …), type of document, target population (from neonate to adolescents), intended users (i.e. professional, child, caregiver), type of pain or organisation (e.g., educational institution, hospital, outpatient clinic, professional association). Once you found a relevant resource, easy access is provided through a link to the original document.
International Directory of Pediatric Chronic Pain Programs
The list of dedicated pediatric chronic pain programs in the United States and Canada has been developed and maintained since 2012 by Tonya Palermo, PhD under the Pain in Infants, Children and Adolescents Special Interest Group (SIG) of the American Pain Society. Annually, information is solicited from pediatric pain programs via the Pediatric-Pain Mailing List to make program updates and to add new programs. Please note that information is not verified for accuracy. As of 2019-08-07, this resource is being transitioned to the International Association for the Study of Pain SIG on Pain in Childhood.
The list was most recently updated in December 2024 and now also covers international programs, including programs in other countries outside the USA and Canada. To access the list, please click the title above.
The directory is intended for use in referral for clinical services, education, and research collaboration. It must not be used for commercial purposes such as marketing products or services.
Copyright and Permission to use Copyright © 2024, Tonya Palermo, PhD
The directory must not be copied, altered, or reposted.
Address correspondence to Tonya Palermo, PhD: Tonya.Palermo [at] and Rocio de la Vega, PhD: rocio.delavega [at]
SickKids Online Paediatric Pain Curriculum
The SickKids Online Paediatric pain Curriculum is aimed at healthcare professionals and encompasses 10 online, interactive ànd free modules providing you with a comprehensive insight into paediatric pain. The curriculum covers a wide range of general topics, such as the neurobiology of pain, developmental considerations, epidemiology, assessment, pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options, and ethical considerations, but also includes modules focusing on specific types of pain, such acute pain, chronic pain and pain in palliative care settings. You have the choice to complete the complete curriculum in order of presentation or watch individual modules that peak your interest.
Pediadol is a French-speaking group of experts composed of doctors and nurses who are specialists in childhood and pain and who are highly involved in improving the management of children’s pain. They are a pioneer in This group meets every month and organizes an annual conference entitled “La douleur de l’enfant, quelles réponses?” with a plenary session and training workshops, produces the site and publishes information and training documents. This group has existed for more than 30 years and has produced a lot of data.
More information can be found on their website: The members of this society collectively developed the content of this site, synthesizing evidence-based data and good care practices. Protocols, practical tools, child pain assessment scales, team experiences, videos… are available for all. Acute and procedural pain are particularly detailed.
Since 1991, Pediadol annually organises the only French congress dedicated specifically to child pain. It brings together about a thousand French-speaking professionals in Paris at the Palais de l’Unesco and is an opportunity for exchanges and sharing of knowledge and practices.
The group is very committed to the dissemination of knowledge and good practice in the ethical spirit of paediatric care and is independent of the pharmaceutical industry. Illustrating that they are a pioneer in the dissemination of knowledge on pediatric pain in France they recently developed a new website dedicated to chronic pediatric pain. This website contains information for patients, families, and health care staff and can be accessed at .
German Pediatric Pain Centre
The German Pediatric Pain Centre collates information about pain, both acute and chronic pain, for children, adolescents, parents and health care professionals. Information and resources are available in both German and English and vary from key facts on various pain conditions (e.g., abdominal pain, headaches) and management of these conditions to patient stories to videos explaining pediatric pain experiences.
Two of their key resources are videos explaining the Bio-psycho-social model of chronic pain (see and Central sensitization (see
SKIP, Solutions for Kids in Pain
Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) is a new Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) knowledge mobilization network based at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia and co-directed by Children’s Healthcare Canada in Ottawa, Ontario. SKIP is aimed at improving children’s pain management in Canada and around the world. SKIP brings together Canada’s world-renowned pediatric pain research community, front-line knowledge user organizations, and end beneficiaries (patients and caregivers). More than 100 Canadian and international partners have joined the SKIP Network to work together to put evidence‐based solutions to child pain into practice, including the Pain in Childhood SIG. You can also follow SKIP on social media at @kidsinpain using the hashtag #ItDoesntHaveToHurt! Spanish videos
The association against children’s pain has published 14 videos in Spanish to help providers and patients in how to reduce pain during shots. See their YouTube channel for the videos. In the document attached here, you can find an English and Spanish description of the videos.
APED: Portuguese Association for the Study of Pain
APED is the Portuguese Association for the Study of Pain. The Pediatric Working Group of APED developed several resources that are available from its website. This material is focused to improve knowledge and good practice to better pediatric pain management.
The Booklet “Desenhos da Minha Dor” (“Drawings of My Pain”) combines a complete, but summarized educational items about pediatric pain, with some drawings made by hospitalized children that reveal their perspectives of pain. It is geared to the general public and health professionals. The booklet is available in Portuguese and English.
The Booklet “Como Confortar um Bebé nos Cuidados Intensivos” is the Portuguese edition of “Comforting Your Baby in Intensive Care” by Professor Linda S. Franck, it’s a practical manual to help parents learn about pain so that they work together with health professionals to help babies feel as comfortable as possible, while they are in an Intensive Care Unit. It can be accessed here.
Finally, the poster and flyers to disseminate a better pain management during vaccination (here).
PubMed – email alerts of new publications in your area of interest
It is possible in PubMed to set up email notifications that are tailored to inform you of new publications in your specific area of interest. To do so, follow the steps below:
- Sign in to PubMed using an existing account or register for an account to establish a new account.
- Perform the search for your specific area of interest (see below for an example search)
- Click the “Save Search” search link that appears near the top of the search results page and choose the settings for automated E-mail updates
Below is an example of a search that Dr. Carl von Baeyer has carefully developed and works well. It searches titles for pain or analgesia/analgesic AND variations of child or pediatric (note that all of the parentheses, brackets, and asterisks in the search filter are necessary):
(pain[Title] OR analg*[Title]) AND ((child*[Title]) OR (pediatr* OR paediatr*[Title]))